Stay Competitive in Electronics
iBase-t addresses the common challenges of electronics manufacturing. This industry faces fierce competition, short product lifecycles, and a need to continually launch new products to stay ahead. Build-to-order production makes the challenges even greater. Solumina by iBase-t lends the intelligence needed, providing the visibility and control required to reduce costs while improving productivity and quality.

The Supplier Quality Management Imperative
Having visibility and management of product quality from your supply chain can be a significant challenge for the electronics manufacturing industry. Components and subassemblies are often sourced from suppliers located around the world. Solumina’s Supplier Quality Management solution helps you avoid delays, quality control issues, and potential disruptions before they ship.

The Digital Transformation
to Boost Talent Retention
Production operations employees are experiencing big changes in the tools they’re given to do their jobs. Digital tools like Solumina are not only improving manufacturing jobs performance and safety, but also offering more data. Front line workers armed with information, combined with their expertise and experience, are gaining intelligence needed to make faster, more accurate decisions.
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