Why Choose To Deploy Solumina MES In The Cloud?
Solumina from iBase-t is a cloud-native MES solution – meaning it’s designed to take full advantage of modern cloud technologies. Based on a microservices architecture, it offers benefits such as improved scalability and reliability, and lower up front costs than on-premise solutions. Organizations can also implement much faster, realize manufacturing benefits quicker, and see a rapid return on investment.

Solumina Cloud Security
Solumina MES is deployed on an AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), which keeps all resources labeled and privately within that network. There is a dedicated virtual channel from the iBase-t corporate ISP to AWS VPC that hosts Solumina instances. All information stays under customer control. Major cloud providers provide a high level of security, higher than most manufacturers could achieve on their own.

Deploying a cloud MES is a proven option and the economic case is strong. The infrastructure is ready to be used by companies that are digitally transforming, and can fundamentally improve processes for manufacturing enterprises.
Faster Time-to-Value
Improved Security
Ongoing Maintenance
Scalability and Flexibility
Upfront Costs
Leverage the Cloud with Confidence – What Every Discrete Manufacturing Executive Should Know
This eBook discusses the most important factors to consider as you lead a cloud deployment and provides insights into how iBase-t approaches them.

Digital Twins are powerful, and they’re not just for products
There are several types of Digital Twins that can be used in manufacturing. The value of Digital Twin for products is obvious. But have you thought about a process-oriented Digital Twin?
Additional Cloud MES Resources
Learn What Solumina MES
Can Do for You With a Custom Demo